I keep SIMPLE ABUNDANCE, by Sarah Ban Breathnach, in my living room where it gently reminds me to pause, breathe, and take a look inside its pages. It was still open to a page in late January when I strolled by this morning. Something pulled me near instead of walking by like I usually do so many times each day. I instantly connected with the quote included at the top:
“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how…. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.”- Agnes De Mille
Starting my own website is changing my perspective regarding the imperfect process of creating art. I don’t know all the answers but if I don’t LEAP I’ll never find out. I am grateful for the reassurance I felt after reading today’s message. A gentle reminder from SIMPLE ABUNDANCE pointed out the value of my art and being authentic- each of which grow with every leap.